Zona 4: Ejido Tekal Nuevo and Ría Lagartos Biosphere Reserve
June-July, 2004

These photos came from the fourth and final study zone, some again on property with agricultural and ranching use, but other areas are reserved exclusively for wildlife.
Like before, the study has 24 cameras distributed over approximately 25 square kilometers.
The numbers in the lower right hand corner indicate the date and time.

The opossum (Didelphis virginianus) is the only living native American marsupial species.
The striped hog-nosed skunk (Conepatus semistriatus) is just one of the skunk species found throughout the Americas. Occurring in southern Mexico, Central and northwest South America it has a very distinct white band running down its back, and the tail is usually all white.

The greater black hawk (Buteogallus urubitinga) is found from Mexico through South America east of the Andes. Found along the coast and in forests, its diet includes rodents, crabs, amphibians and even fruit.This juvenile bird has not begun to moult into its dark adult plumage yet.

Three distinct individual jaguars have been identified in the study zones. During August and September, two more were photographed by informally-placed cameras in Zone One. This result exceeds our expectations, and encourages us to continue and expand the project in 2005. Stay tuned!

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