Summer 2006
Hurricane damage blocked many camera trails in 2005. A limited study grid was established for summer 2006 as trails were reopened. Eight camera sites operated from May through August with good results.

Taken in May, this is a mature male jaguar.
This jaguar appears young, probably less than two years old.

In addition to this puma, brocket deer were photographed at this site.

The jaguarundi (Herpailurus yaguarondi) is about the same size as a housecat. Shy and elusive they are not often seen.

Javelinas often travel in herds. Like some jaguars, they are curious about cameras!

Another abundante prey species for jaguars, brocket deer have a distinctive appearance. A short, stocky build, wedge-shaped head and tiny antlers give a very different impresion from white-tailed deer