maintaining a genetically healthy population of
jaguars in zoos so their visitors can become aware
of the largest cat in the Americas. SSP participants
focus on educating their visitors about ecosystem
conservation, presenting the jaguar as the apex,
or top, predator in a complex web of interaction
among plant and animal species – including
humans. If jaguars thrive in the wild, chances
are very good that most of the other species in
the system are thriving. Where jaguars have disappeared
from their former range, chances are likewise
good that other species there are in trouble,
you are here, take a good look around. You will
uncover answers to questions about jaguars and
wildlife in the Americas.
You will find more information about jaguars and
conservation. There are pictures and classroom
activities. You can share
in the adventure of field research and projects
involving zoos in North, Central and South America.
If you like what you find here, we will also help
you link to other websites with similar themes.
There is even an opportunity to e-mail us with
get ready to discover the world of the jaguar
and to find out that jaguars are a part of your
world, too. Just click on one of the icons at
left to begin...
Para encontrar
este sitio Web en español, clique aqui.